

Thịt nướng thập cẩm

Đỗ Văn Bảo

Món nướng là món không còn xa lạ đối với mọi người , tuy nhiên món nướng thập cẩm này …

Bánh thập cẩm của Nhà hàng món Huế được làm từ nguyên liệu chính là: bánh lọc, bánh nậm, chả thẻ, tôm cháy, da heo chiên, tương đậu và mắm bèo.

Customer Reviews



Based on 9 reviews

Review summary

  • Service
  • Organization
  • Value for money
  • Safety


08 Jan 2019
Great views We were very satisfied with our trip. There were no negative points. It was interesting when discovered Saigon by night with lots of things to do and see, and had an overnight cruise on Mekong Eyes... See More

We were very satisfied with our trip. There were no negative points. It was interesting when discovered Saigon by night with lots of things to do and see, and had an overnight cruise on Mekong Eyes to explore Mekong Delta.



08 Jan 2019
Great views We were very satisfied with our trip. There were no negative points. It was interesting when discovered Saigon by night with lots of things to do and see, and had an overnight cruise on Mekong Eyes... See more

We were very satisfied with our trip. There were no negative points. It was interesting when discovered Saigon by night with lots of things to do and see, and had an overnight cruise on Mekong Eyes to explore Mekong Delta.



08 Jan 2019
Great views We were very satisfied with our trip. There were no negative points. It was interesting when discovered Saigon by night with lots of things to do and see, and had an overnight cruise on Mekong Eyes... See more

We were very satisfied with our trip. There were no negative points. It was interesting when discovered Saigon by night with lots of things to do and see, and had an overnight cruise on Mekong Eyes to explore Mekong Delta.



08 Jan 2019
Great views We were very satisfied with our trip. There were no negative points. It was interesting when discovered Saigon by night with lots of things to do and see, and had an overnight cruise on Mekong Eyes... See more

We were very satisfied with our trip. There were no negative points. It was interesting when discovered Saigon by night with lots of things to do and see, and had an overnight cruise on Mekong Eyes to explore Mekong Delta.



08 Jan 2019
Great views We were very satisfied with our trip. There were no negative points. It was interesting when discovered Saigon by night with lots of things to do and see, and had an overnight cruise on Mekong Eyes... See more

We were very satisfied with our trip. There were no negative points. It was interesting when discovered Saigon by night with lots of things to do and see, and had an overnight cruise on Mekong Eyes to explore Mekong Delta.



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