

Đồng tháp mười

Đỗ Văn Bảo

Phố cổ Hội An là một thành phố nổi tiếng của tỉnh Quảng Nam, một phố cổ giữ được gần như …

Kiểu nhà ở phổ biến nhất chính là những ngôi nhà hình ống chỉ một hoặc hai tầng với chiều ngang hẹp, chiều sâu rất dài. Nhà được làm từ những vật liệu có sức chịu lực và độ bền cao do đặc điểm khí hậu khắc nghiệt nơi đây, hai bên có tường gạch ngăn cách và khung nhà bằng gỗ, chia thành ba gian với lối đi ở giữa. Mỗi ngôi nhà ở Hội An đều đảm bảo sự hài hòa giữa không gian sống và thiên nhiên, nên ngoài việc bố trí ngôi nhà thành các gian thì phần sân trời của ngôi nhà được lát đá và trang trí bể nước, non bộ, cây cảnh, tạo nên một nét đẹp tổng thể. Với lối kiến trúc độc đáo, không gian ngôi nhà ở Hội An luôn thoáng đãng, tràn ngập ánh sáng mặt trời, con người và thiên nhiên như hòa làm một. Những điều đó đem lại một cuộc sống tự do thoải mái cho người dân địa phương và sự thích thú cho du khách trong chuyến đi du lịch Hội An.

Customer Reviews



Based on 9 reviews

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  • Service
  • Organization
  • Value for money
  • Safety


08 Jan 2019
Great views We were very satisfied with our trip. There were no negative points. It was interesting when discovered Saigon by night with lots of things to do and see, and had an overnight cruise on Mekong Eyes... See More

We were very satisfied with our trip. There were no negative points. It was interesting when discovered Saigon by night with lots of things to do and see, and had an overnight cruise on Mekong Eyes to explore Mekong Delta.



08 Jan 2019
Great views We were very satisfied with our trip. There were no negative points. It was interesting when discovered Saigon by night with lots of things to do and see, and had an overnight cruise on Mekong Eyes... See more

We were very satisfied with our trip. There were no negative points. It was interesting when discovered Saigon by night with lots of things to do and see, and had an overnight cruise on Mekong Eyes to explore Mekong Delta.



08 Jan 2019
Great views We were very satisfied with our trip. There were no negative points. It was interesting when discovered Saigon by night with lots of things to do and see, and had an overnight cruise on Mekong Eyes... See more

We were very satisfied with our trip. There were no negative points. It was interesting when discovered Saigon by night with lots of things to do and see, and had an overnight cruise on Mekong Eyes to explore Mekong Delta.



08 Jan 2019
Great views We were very satisfied with our trip. There were no negative points. It was interesting when discovered Saigon by night with lots of things to do and see, and had an overnight cruise on Mekong Eyes... See more

We were very satisfied with our trip. There were no negative points. It was interesting when discovered Saigon by night with lots of things to do and see, and had an overnight cruise on Mekong Eyes to explore Mekong Delta.



08 Jan 2019
Great views We were very satisfied with our trip. There were no negative points. It was interesting when discovered Saigon by night with lots of things to do and see, and had an overnight cruise on Mekong Eyes... See more

We were very satisfied with our trip. There were no negative points. It was interesting when discovered Saigon by night with lots of things to do and see, and had an overnight cruise on Mekong Eyes to explore Mekong Delta.



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